knitting and knitting and more knitting.....

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I am finally finished with this sweater. I has taken me a lot longer than expected. Almost 4 months (with numerous other fun projects to distract me). All that's left to do is to weave in ends (ug!), and try it on my husband -- hopefully it will fit. If not, I will be happy to wear it - it is almost like a dress on me! And very warm too. You can see the section I added at the end to make the sweater wider. It bubbles up a little which is unfortunate - but better than having a too tight sweater that won't be worn.

I mentioned before that I had numerous other projects to distract me (in between front and back and sleeve one and sleeve two). An adorable blue hooded sweater for Clara, two bubbly scarves for my nieces, finishing a sweater for my mom -- ironically the same shade of green as the Aran - very unfortunate - I'm so very sick of dark green now. Plus, of course, my never ending car project -the yellow varsity type sweater for me. This is the thing I keep in my car at all times and knit at red lights, stopped traffic, school lines, bank lines ... you get the point. I actually brought it inside one day and added 6 inches to the body - now it actually looks like there is an end in sight.
